Jun 2020
Live streaming for the zonal meeting for ZKB bank in Opicina (Trieste). This year due to the COVID-19 restriction the Zadružna Kraška Banka based in Trieste and Gorizia opted for a live streaming for the annual members meeting. It was the first time for the Slovenian community bank and it was covered also by the local newspaper https://www.primorski.eu/se/obmocnemu-srecanju-zkb-po-spletu-sledilo-205-clanov-MY540493 https://www.zkb.it
May 2020
21h 42m 02sec long live streaming for Satie’s birthday event organized by Teatro Miela in Trieste. Over 150 piano players connected from all over the world through zoom connections played the 840 vexations. https://www.buoncompleannosatie.it
Jun 2019
Live streaming from three venues at the same time, seven cameras for a total amount of more than 16 hours of streaming on Facebook and Youtube. This are the numbers of Parole ostili one of the most important events on the web communication. Parole ostili is focused on how to write for and on the web inviting professionals and experts to share their social we experience and discuss the good
Mar 2019
4 camera live streaming of the carnival parade in Muggia and 360 video shooting of the event.
Nov 2018
Series of six live streamings on theme of revolution from the Teatro Verdi in Trieste organized by Editori Laterza and Comune di Trieste. Streaming on Youtube